accounts, claims, rents, securities, mortgages and interest
thereon, titles to property, indebtedness of individuals, or of
copartnership, firms, corporation, of joint stock companies,
loans of States, cities, counties and municipalities, upon such
terms as may be agreed upon or established by said company.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the said body cor-
CHAP. 1«.
porate shall have power to act as the fiscal or transfer agent
of any State, municipality, body politic or corporate, and in
such capacity to receive and disburse money, and transfer,
register and countersign certificates of stock, bonds or other
evidence of indebtedness, and to receive and manage any
sinking fund of any corporation on such terms as may be
agreed upon or established by said company.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the said body cor-
May act as
fiscal agent.
porate be, and it is hereby authorized to accept and execute
trust of any and every description which may be committed
or transferred with its consent, to it by any person or persons
whomsoever, bodies corporate or public, or by any Court in
the State of Maryland or in any one of the United States, and
to accept the office and appointment of executor or adminis-
trator of any kind or nature, whenever such office or appoint-
ment is conferred or made by any person or persons or by any
Orphans' Court or other Court, either of this State or any of
the United States, and that in all cases when application shall
be made to any Court in the State of Maryland or elsewhere
for the appointment of any receiver, trustee, administrator,
executor, assignee, guardian or committee, it shall and may be
lawful for such Court, if it shall think proper, to appoint said
body corporate, with its assent, such receiver, trustee, admin-
istrator, executor, assignee, guardian or committee, and the
accounts of said company as such receiver, trustee, adminis-
trator, executor, assignee, guardian or committee shall be
regularly settled and adjusted before the tribunal having juris-
diction ; and upon such settlement and adjustment all proper,
legal and customary charges, cost and expenses shall be allowed
to the said company for its care and management of the trusts
and estate aforesaid, and the said company, as such receiver,
trustee, administrator, executor, assignee, guardian or com-
mittee, shall be subject to all orders or decrees of the proper
tribunal in the premises under the laws of the State wherein
such tribunal shall or may exercise its jurisdiction.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That whenever any
May execute
trusts, etc.
Court shall appoint the said corporation a receiver, trustee,
assignee, executor or administrator, guardian or committee, or
shall order the deposit of money or other valuables of any
kind with said corporation, the capital stock of said corpora-
Capital stock
may be
taken as