7. Said Baltimore and Northern Electric Railway Company
shall have the right to lay down, construct, maintain and oper-
ate a single or double track railway, with the necessary switches
May con-
struct rail-
way, etc.
and turnouts upon such streets, loads, alleys and lanes of Bal-
timore city as shall be approved by the Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Baltimore, and its assent given thereto, and over and
upon such highways or public roads of Baltimore county and
Carroll county as the assent thereto of the County Commis-
sioners of said respective counties shall be given, and with the
right to use as a means of traction for its said cars, electricity,
cable, compressed air or other improved motive power (except-
ing steam), and that in addition to its right to carry passengers,
it is hereby authorized to transport all express matter, over its
said railway, or any of its connections; and the said company
is hereby authorized to enter into agreements with any passen-
ger railway company of the city of Baltimore, for the making
of tracks connections, or for the joint use of the tracks of
such railway company of Baltimore city, or for the carrying
of the passengers and express matter of each over the other,
and if such city railway, with which track connections have
been made shall be by law authorized to use electricity as a
motive power, said Baltimore and Northern Electric Railway
Company is hereby authorized to enter into agreements with
such city railway for the furnishing of such quantities of elec-
tricity or electric motive power as such city railway may desire
or require for the purposes of operating its railway, and the
said Baltimore and Northern Electric Railway Company is au-
thorized to lease or consolidate with other railways.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 4, 1896.
AN ACT to authorize the " Maryland and Columbia Railway,"
the "Edmondson Avenue, Catonsville and Ellicott City Elec-
tric Railway," the "Maryland and Washington Railway
Company," and the "Baltimore and Washington Turnpike
and Tramway Company" to consolidate under and by the
name of "The Columbia and Maryland Railway."
WHEREAS, The Maryland and Columbia Railway is a body
corporate, duly organized and existing under the provisions of