Article 23 of the Code of Public General Laws, title " Corpo-
rations," and sub-title " Railroad Companies," the powers of
which have been amended and enlarged by an Act of the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland, by chapter 383 of the Acts of
1892, and also further amended and enlarged by chapter 274
of the Acts of 1894, by which it is authorized to acquire or
consolidate with any other railway or railways within or with-
out the State of Maryland; and,
WHEREAS, The Edmondson Avenue, Catonsville and Ellicott
City Electric Railway Company is a body corporate duly created
and existing under a special Act of the General Assembly of
Maryland, passed at the session of 1892, chapter 335, and the
Maryland and Washington Railway Company is a body corpol
rate, chartered by a special Act of the General Assembly of
Maryland passed at the session of 1892, chapter 264; and
WHEREAS, The Baltimore and Washington Turnpike and
Tramway Company is a body corporate, duly created and exist-
ing under and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of
Maryland, passed at the session of 1892, chapter 700; and
WHEREAS, The said several bodies corporate are desirous of
uniting for the purpose of constructing and operating a coutin- .
nous line of railway by means of electricity, or other improved
motive power, between the city of Baltimore and the District
of Columbia; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Columbia and Maryland Railway, The Ed-,
mondson Avenue, Catonsville and Ellicott City Electric Railway
Company, and the Baltimore and Washington Turnpike and
Tramway Company, and the Maryland and Washington Railway
Company, be, and they are hereby and each of them is hereby au-
thorized and empowered, in addition to the powers contained in
their said several charters, respectively, to unite and consolidate
under the name of the " Columbia and Maryland Railway,"
under such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by a
majority of the stockholders of each company so consolidated,
and such consolidated company shall also be authorized to consoli-
date with other passenger railway companies from time to time,
and such other passenger railway companies are hereby author-
ized to consolidate with it upon terms that may be agreed upon
by a majority of the stockholders of each of such companies,
and the consolidated company so formed shall be vested with
all the powers and purposes of each of the constituent compa-
nies; a copy of such agreement of consolidation, certified under
tion of rail-
way com-