duties hereinafter enjoined; hut before they proceed, they
shall take an oath or affirmation as the case may be, that they
will, to the best of their skill and judgment, faithfully and im-
partially assess the true and present value of the lands so to
be taken for the opening and extending the said street, taking
into consideration all advantages and dibadvantages and shall
also declare what sum of money each individual benefited
thereby, shall pay towards compensating the person or per-
sons injured by opening and extending said street, and the
names of the person or persons, and the sums of money which
they shall respectively be obliged to pay, shall be returned
under their hands and seals, to the clerk and register afore-
said to be filed and kept in their offices, and the person or per-
sons benefited by opening of said street, and assessed as afore-
said, shall respectively pay the sum or sums of money with
which they may respectively be so charged and assessed
CHAP. 95.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said several sums of
money so assessed and charged, shall be collected by the col-
lector of the city of 'Baltimore,, and shall presently be paid
over by him to the mayor and city council of Baltimore, and
by them to the person or persons entitled to receive the same;
and it shall be the duty of the collector of the city of Balti-
more, within ten days from the time of his receiving the list
aforesaid, to give notice in one of the newspapers printed in
the city of Baltimore, to the persons respectively bound to
pay the same, that the amount so assessed and charged as
aforesaid, must be paid within sixty days from the day of the
giving said notice, and should any sum or sums of money so
assessed and charged, as aforesaid, not be paid within the
time limited for the payment of the same, the collector of
the city of Baltimore shall be, and he is hereby authorised to
sell at public sale, for cash, the whole or any part of the pro-
perty on which such assessment shall be made, first giving not
less than thirty days notice of such intended salt, in one of
the newspapers printed in the city of Baltimore, and the col-
lector of the city of Baltimore upon receiving the purchase
money of the property so sold, shall execute a deed of con-
veyance therefor, in favor of the purchaser or purchasers,
which deed shall convey all the estate and interest of the
person or persons assessed and neglecting to pay as aforesaid,
in or to such property, ana after deducting the costs of sale,
advertising, and the other necessary cost, the collector shall
pay over the balance of such purchase money to the said may-
or and city council, who shall pay over the said balance after
deducting the amount assessed on said propertv, to the per-
son or persons entitled thereto on demand.
Collection regula-