CH AF- 94.
wwsd and empow-
Stone Bridge, near the new Baptist meeting house, on tfi&
road leading From Davis' to Dover in Baltimore county, and
should they think it necessary to assess and levy such sum
of money, it shall be collected as other county assessments
are, and paid to Eli Scotrv George Malonee and John
Ensor, of George, who are hereby appointed commissioners
to superintend the building of said bridge, and they or a ma-
jority of them, shall and are hereby authorised to employ
a workman or workmen to build the said bridge, and the
same complete as soon as practicable^
Bond of contrac-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the ,
commissioners to take bond or bonds, from the said workman
or workmen, in such penalty and security as the commission-
ers of Baltimore county shall direct, conditioned for the
faithful building and constructing of said bridge, and the
performance of their duty therein.
Expert acccmati.
SEC. 3. And be it enactecf, That said commissioners after
the completion of said bridge, shall render a full account to
the said Baltimore county commissioners, of all the money
expended! in building the said bridge; and the money remain-
ing in their hands not expendtd,, if any, after the completion
of the same, shall be returned to said Baltimore county com-
jnissionerSj for the use of said county.
Passed Feb'ry: 28,
A supplement to the act, entitled an act, to open and extend
Pine Street, in the City of Baltimore.
Commissioners na-
med and empow-
SECTON 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That William W. Taylor, Dennis A. Smith, William
Krebs, Benjamin C. Howard and Robert Miller, or a majority
of them, be and they are hereby appointed a board of com-
missioners, to open Pine street, in the city of Baltimore, and
they, or a majority of them, are hereby authorised and em-
powered, to open and extend said street of the width of fifty
feet, from Fayette street to Baltimore street; and the said
street when opened and extended, and the valuation and as-
sessment hereinafter directed to be made, shall have taken
place, shall be deemed and considered, and is hereby declared
Public highway
a public street and highway forever thereafter, and the said
commissioners or a majority of them, are hereby directed to
return a plot ascertaining the limits and extent of that part of
said street, so opened and extended, to the clerk of Baltimore
county court, also to the register of the city of Baltimore, who
shall receive and file the same in their offices.
oath of office— as-
ssessment-- return..
SEC, 2. Be it enacted, That the said commissioners, or a
majority of them, shall give ten days notice in two or more
newspapers printed in the city of Baltimore of their appoint-
ment, as also of the time and place of meeting, which shall
be on the premises, and shall then and there proceed to the