CHAP, 178
Time limited to
commence & com-
SEC, 7. And be it enacted, That if this road shall not be
commenced in two years from the passage of this act, and
shall not be finished in ten years from the time of the com-
mencement thereof, then the right to construct and make the
said rail road shall cease and determine, any thing herein con-
tained, to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided, however,
That no rights acquired by contract with the company before
such period shall be hereby affected.
fosscd Mar«h 12
; An act to repeal an act, entitlecf an act, relating to the roacf
lately located from Sharpsburgh to Hagerstown, m Wash-
ington County.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the act entitled an act, relating to the road lately located from
Sharpsburgh to Hagerstown, in Washington county, passed
at December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, chap-
ter one hundred and seventy-six, be, and the same is hereby
Passed March 12,
, An act for the benefit of the proprietors of certain lots on Jones"*
Fails, in the city of Baltimore.
Authority to close
a street.
SECTION. 1. B& it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
rylanrf, That the street or public highway of the width of 20
feet, laid off on the east side or margin of Jones' Falls, from
Market or Baltimore street to Water street be closed up, ex-
cept so much thereof as is a part and continuation of Plough-
man street, Still house alley, and Stable alley, at their junction
with the P'alls: Provided, That the mayor and city council
shall give their assent to the closing up of said street, on or
before the first day of March, eighteen hundred and twenty-
Damages for im-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in case the mayor and city
council shall not on or before the day and year aforesaid, ap-
prove the closing up ' of said street or highway as aforesaid,
then the owner or owners of the lots whereon said street or
highway |s located, whenever said street or highway is here-
after opened, shall be allowed damages for any improvement
made or erected after the first day of March, eighteen hundred
and twenty-nine, on their respective lots, and which improve-
ments may be destroyed or impaired in value by the opening
of the street aforesaid, any thing in the act of December ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and seventeen, chapter one hundred
and forty-eight, or in any other act of Assembly to the con-
trary notwithstanding: Provided, nevertheless, That no owner
or owners of any of said lots shall be allowed any damages for