improvements thus to be made or erected, after the first day
of March, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, unless before
commencing said improvements the said owner or owners
shall have given notice once a week for four successive weeks
in at least two of the daily newspapers of the city of Balti-
snore, sitting forth, that under and by virtue of this act, the
said owner or owner would proceed to make improvements
on said owrier or owners part of the aforesaid condemned pro-
perty (designating the same) six months after the first ap-
pearance of said owner or owners notice in the two newspa-
pers aforesaid, in case the, said street or highway, or so much
thereof as fronted the property of the person or persons sign-
ing said notice, should not be opened in the manner prescribed
by the act of December session, eighteen hundred and se-
venteen, chapter one hundred and forty-eight, or by any sup-
CHAP, 180
plements thereto, before the expiration of said six months,
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That after the expiration of said
six months, computing the beginning of the same from the first
appearance of the said owner or owners advertisement in the
two newspapers as aforesaid, and upon the said owner or ow-
ners filing with the register of the city, certificates of the pub-
lication of the notice or advertisement as herein before re-
quired to be made, the said owner or owners who gave such
notice, an whose signatures are to the same, and none others
shall be entitled to the benefit of this act.
Benefit confined
An act to regulate the guaging of casks and the inspection of
domestic distilled liquors in this state.
Passed March 13.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be
the duty of the Governor and Council to appoint annually, not
less than four persons to be guagers of casks in the city of
Baltimore, and as many as may be necessary from time to
time in other parts of said state, whose duty it shall be to
guage and inspect all domestic distilled spirits brought or
made therein, contained in casks for sale or exportation, and
who shall also guage when thereunto required, any cask con-
taining foreign spirits, wine, oil, molasses or other liquid,
Governor & coun-
cil to appoint gua
ges annually
merchandize; and before either of said guagers shall enter
upon the duties of his office, he shall give bond to the Govern-
or on behalf of the state of Maryland, with two good securi-
ties to be approved by the Governor and Council, conditioned
in the sum of one thousand dollars each for the faithful dis-
charge of the duties of his office, and whenever either of siid
Their duties—
guagers shall be sick, he may and shall appoint a competent
deputy to perform his duties for the time being, and for whose
conduct the principal shall be held responsible.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the guagers aforesaid shall
divide the city of Baltimore in four or more convenient dis-
4 districts— alter-