Heretofore laid off, opened and granted, in whole or part, by
the said company, beginning for the same at the end of the
paved or stone part of the said turnpike road, near Richard
Caton's lime kiln, and extending to its northern limits near
Kerlingers mill; and the deed of release, cession and convey-
ance, which the said president and managers or a majority of
them, may make and execute, in virtue of this act, to the said
commissioners, shall be recorded in Baltimore county court,
and a copy thereof from the records of said county, under the
hand of its clerk, and the seal of the court shall be received in
evidence; and the said road, when so conveyed, shall be and
remain forever thereafter a free and public highway.
CHAP. 178
SEC, 4. And be it enacted, That the president and managers
of the said Falls Turnpike Road Company be, and they are
hereby authorised and empowered to collect and receive
tolls from every person or persons using any part of, the said
turnpike road; between the city of Baltimore and the termi-
nation of the paved or stone part thereof, near Richard Ca-
ton's lime kiln, according to the rates mentioned in the thir-
teenth section of the original act to which this is a supple-
ment, for the whole distance of the said road, and so in pro-
portion for any less distance, as often as such person or per-
sons shall use the same, any thing in the said original act to
the contrary notwithstanding: Provided, the said president and
managers, or a majority of them, shall within six months af-
ter the passage of this act, make and execute the deed of re-
lease, cession and conveyance to the commissioners aforesaid,
which they are hereinbefore authorised to make and execute,
and shall also, within said term, deliver the said deed or con-
veyance to the clerk of Baltimore county court, to be by him
May on that con-
dition collect cer-
tain tolls.
SEC. 5. And be jt enacted, That nothing in this act contain-
ed shall authorise the said company to close the paved or
stone part of the present turnpike road, until a good summer
road fit for the travelling of wagons and carriages shall be
formed by said company upon the side of or near to the rail
road, authorised by this act; unless -the said rail road be so
constructed as to permit the travelling of private wagons, car-
riages and horses; for which travelling they shall receive the
same rate of toll now received by said company on the turn-
pike road, which summer road when so formed, shall be kept
in repair by the company under the penalties now imposed for
neglect to repair the present turnpike road.
Present turnpike
SEC, 6. And be it enacted, That if any road shall be hereaf-
ter authorised by the legislature of this state, or by the proper
authority of Baltimore county, the direction of which shall
lead across the rail road hereby authorised, it shall be the du-
ty of the company in this act mentioned, so to construct or
alter that part of the rail road as shall permit the passage of
any road hereafter to be allowed by the legislature of this
state, or by the proper authority of Baltimore county, at the
expense of the county or person opening said road.
Cross roads