SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act con-
tained, shstfl authorise the said company to close the present
turnpike road, until a good summer road fit for the travelling
of waggons and carriages, shall be formed by said company,
upon the side of or near the railroad authorised by this act,
unless the said rail road be so .constructed as to permit the
travelling of private waggons, carriages and horses; for which
travelling they shall receive the same rate of toll now receiv-
ed by said company on the turnpike road, which summer
road, when so formed, shall be kept in repair by the company
under the penalties now imposed for neglect of repair of the
present turnpike road.
CHAP. 170,
Present turnpike
SEC. 19. And be it enacted That the owners of the Savage
factory, and of the factory called Johnston's factory, and of
any other factory which is or shall be established within two
miles of the rail road authorised by this act, shall respective-
ly be entitled to connect a road from their several factories to
and with the said rail road, and to transport thereon any pro-
duce, merchandize, manufactures or other articles whatso-
ever, bona fide the property of the owners or occupiers of
Privilege to Facto-
said factories respectively: Prdvided, That the wagons or
other vehicles to be used for such transportation, shall be such
as shall be approved of by the presided and managers afore-
said, or their agent duly authorised for the purpose; and such
transportation shall in other respects conform to such rules
as shall be adopted and practised by the president and mana-
gers aforesaid, in relation to the vehicles used by them upon
the said rail road, and subject to the payment of the tolls
Which are authorised by the provisions of this act.
An act extending the time for completing the Turnpike Road,
from Boonsborough to the Potomac River.
Passed March
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the time for completing, the turnpike road from Boonsborough,
in Washington county, to Swearinger's Ferry ,on the Poto-
mac river, bsi and the same is hereby extended until the year
eighteen hundred and thirty-three, any law to the contrary
To 1833.
An act to empower the judges of Montgomery county court, to
direct the sale of the lands therein mentioned.
Passed March 10,
SECTION. I. Be it enacted by the ^General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That; if in the opinion of the judges of Montgomery
county court, it shall be more advantageous to the heirs of
County court may
appoint trustee to
all, &c.