CHAP. 170
other legal guardian of such as are minors; and if the valua-
tion cannot fee agreed on by the said parties, then each, of
them shall, in writing, appoint one person, such appointment
on the part of the said president acd managers to be made
under the corporate seal of the said company, and on behalf
of the owners of the said bridge and ferry to be signed by the
trustees, and the owners of full age, and the natural or other
legal guardian-of the minors aforesaid; and the two persons
so appointed, and such third person as they, in case of disa-
greement in opinion as to the said value, shall choose and
and appoint to unite with them, or any two of them, shall
ascertain the value of such bridge and ferry; "and each of the
persons so appointed, before they proceed to make the said
valuation, shall take an oath before some judge or justice of
the peace of this state, that he will make such valuation fairly
and impartially, according to the best of his information and
judgment; and the valuation of the persons so appointed, or
of any two of them, when made in writing and signed by them,
of which a duplicate copy shall be given to each party, shall
be conclusive; and the number of shares of stock, correspond-
ing with the valuation so agreed on or made, shall be vested
in the same trustees for the use and benefit of the same per-
sons, and subject to the same control as the title and property
of the said bridge and ferry, and the lights and privileges
thereto appertaining; and the said title and property shall
thereupon be transferred and conveyed to, and vested in, the
said president managers and company, by their corporate
Rights of stock
name, and for their corporate use.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That every person and corpo-
ration obtaining any share or shares of stock by subscription
or Valuation in the manner provided by this act, shall there-
upon become a stockholder in the said company, and shall be
entitled to the same rights and privileges as the original stock-
holders; and the shares of stock shall be transferable in the
same manner as the original shares, and at every future elec-
tion of president, managers and treasurer of the said company,
each stockholder having complied with the terms and condi-
tions of subscription shall be entitled to vote on the princi-
ples of the original charter of the Washington and Baltimore
turnpike road company.
SEC, 17. And be it enacted, That the said president and
managers, after the completion of the rail road contemplated
by this act, shall annually, or semiannually, declare and make
such dividend as they may deem proper, of the nett profits
arising from said road, after deducting the necessary current
and probable contingent expenses, and that they shall divide
the same amongst all the stockholders, in proportion to their
respecttve shares; and they shall cause a notice of such divi-
dend to be published in one newspaper in Washington and in
one in the city of Baltimore, and shall annually report the
same to the legislature,