CHAP. 172
George Riley, late of said county, to sell a part of their real
estate, than their personal property, the said judges be, and
they are hereby empowered and directed, upon the application
of Arnold T. Winsor, guard Fan to said children, to authorise
and direct the sale of such part of the real estate of the said
children, as the said court in its discretion shall think most
advantageous; and for that purpose the said court shall ap-
point a trustee or trustees, who shall sell the said land in such
manner, and upon such terms as the said court shall direct,
and the proceeds of said sales shall be first applied to the pay-
ment of such sum as the said court shall determine, the said
Arnold T, Winsorto be .entitled to for a building erected by
him, on the lands of the said children; and if there shall remain
any part of the said proceeds, then the trustee or trustees, to
be appointed as aforesaid, shall dispose of and invest the same,
in such maneer as the said court shall direct-,
Proceeds Applied.
Trustees bond
Sec. 2. An4 be it enacted, That the trustee or trustees, to be
appointed under this act, shall give bond, with' such security
as the said court shall approve, to the state of Maryland in
such penalty as the said court shall prescribe, conditioned for
Or may direct or-
phans court
the faithful performance of the trust reposed in him or them
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if the said court shall be of
opinion, that it is not advantageous to the said children to
sell any part of their real estate for the purposes aforesaid,
they shall so certify to the orphans court of said county,whose
duty it shall be to direct the sale of such part of the personal
estate of said children as shall be equal to the sum which they
may think the said Arnold T, Winsor entitled to for the
building aforesaid, which sum shall be paid to said Winsor.
Passed March 11,
An act for the encouragement of Primary Schools in Anne
Arundel County.
Treasurer Author-
ised to pay com-
SEC, 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is
hereby authorised and required to pay to the commissioners
of Primary Schools for Anne Arundel county, the money now
in the treasury not already invested, belonging to said coun-
Commissioner to
ty, so soon as the said commissioners or a majority of them,
shall have given bond to the justices of the levy court of said
county with good and sufficient security, to be approved by
said justices in the penalty of ten thousand dollars, condition-
ed for the faithful performance of their duty as required by
the provisions of this act, which said bond shall be filed and
Filed & recorded.
recorded among trie records of Anne Arundel county court,
a copy whereof under the seal of the court shall be evidence
School fund to
credit of commis-
in any court of law and equity in this state.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the school fund of Anne
Arundel county arising under the act to incorporate a compa-
ny to make a turnpike road leading to Cumberland, and for