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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 192   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 164.

Hindeman entered into a parole contract with the said Hen-
ry Hindeman, to purchase the said real estate with the incum-
bYances thereon, and pay him an annuity thereout of two hun-
dred dollars during his natural life, and in pursuance of said
agreement, the said Heniy Hindeman on the seventh day of
July, in the year eighteen hundred and twenty-six, executed
a deed to the said Jacob Hindeman, conveying to him and his
heirs, in fee simple, the said real estate: And whereas it is
further set forth in the said petition, that the said Jacob
Hindeman departed this life without ever being able after the
receipt of the said deed, to secure to the said Henry Hinde-
man, the annuity aforesaid, and the real estate conveyed as a-
foresaid, has descended to Sarah Hester Hindeman, an in-
fant, the only child and heir at law, of the said Jacob Hinde-
man: And whereas Susan Hindeman, the mother of the said
Susan Hester Hindeman, and widow of the said Jacob Hinde-
man and William Hindeman, the brother of the said deceased
have both represented to this General Assembly that they
have a full knowledge of the facts stated in the said petition
to be true, and are desirous that the said annuity should be
secured to the said Henry Hindeman, according to the intent
and meaning of the said agreement: Therefore,

Estate liable to pay

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That all the real estate of William Hindeman, late of
Talbot county, deceased, devised in his last will and testa-
ment to his nephew Henrj Hindeman, and conveyed by the
said Henry Hindeman, on the seventh day of July, in the year
eighteen hundred and twenty-six, to his brother Jacob Hinde-
man, late of the city of Baltimore, also deceased, be and the
same is hereby made liable, and chargeable with an annuity
of two hundred dollars, to be paid to the said Henry Hinde-
man during his natural life.

Method of recove-


SEC. 2, And be it enacted, That in case the said annuity
of two hundred dollars has not been paid to the said Henry
Hindeman, since the death of the said Jacob Hindeman, or
shall not hereafter be paid to him, he is hereby empowered
to file a bill in any court of equity in this state, to recover the-
same or any part thereof, from the said Sarah Hester Hinde-
man, the heir at law of the, said Jacob Hindeman, or from
any person or persons to whom the said estate may hereafter,
descend or be devised or conveyed to.

Court, empowered
to decree

SEC, 3. And be it enacted, That upon a bill being filed as
aforesaid by the said Henry Hindeman the court in which the
same is filed, is hereby empowered and directed to proceed
thereon in the usual manner, and to decree a sale of the whole
or a part of the said estate, to pay and satisfy the said annuity
and the costs of suit.

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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 192   View pdf image (33K)
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