pelt thirty dollars; for Ann Frazier twenty dollars; for Eli-
zabeth Beall, daughter of Eleanor Beall, fifteen dollars; for
Mary Eleanor Ateherson twenty dollars; for Jane Owens
CHAP, 163
twenty dollars; for Susan Watson and her four infant children
forty dollars; in Worcester county, for Elizabeth Bishop and
her four children, thirty dollars; for John Holland forty dol-
lars, for Levin Conner, for the use of his lunatic son twenty
four dollars, for Patty Briddle twenty -four dollars, for Mary
Houston for the use of her lunatic brother, twenty-four dol-
lars, for Nancy Mitchell, twenty-four dollars, for Nancy Can-
sey twenty four dollar s; for Sally Purnell twenty dollars; for
Polly Mason twenty four dollars; in Caroline county, for Eliza-
beth Carey, twenty-five dollars; in Queen Ann's county, for
Q, Anne's
Perdue Chambers, forty dollars, for Lambert Nicoson, twenty
dollars; for John Robinson fifteen dollars; in Harford county,
for Thomas Montgomery twenty dollars; for John Griffin,
thirty dollars; for John Norris, thirty dollars; for Elizabeth
Smith, thirty dollars; in Anne Arundel, for Ann Crandel,
twenty dollars; for Jane Arnold, thirty dollars; for Elizabeth
Simmons, twenty dollars; for Ann Thomas, twenty dollars,
for William Knighton, fifteen dollar s; for Mary Grace, twen-
ty dollars; for Mary Pearce, fifteen dollars; for Rebecca Ow-
ens, twenty dollars, for Thomas Cadle, fifteen dollars; for
James Disney, twenty dollars; for Elizabeth Rass, thirty dol-
lars; for Margaret Green, thirty dollars; for Henrietta Maria
Clara Hanlon, thirty dollars; for Rebecca Sullivan, for the use
of Jackson Baldwin and Eliza Baldwin, fifteen dollars each;
Anne Arundel
for Agnes Owings, infant daughter of the late Thomas Ow-
ings, fifteen dollars; in Cecil county, for James Davidson,
forty dollars; for Thomas Smith, thirty dollars; for Priscilla
Ryan, thirty dollars; for Priscilla Simmons, wife of Thomas
Simmons, thirty dollars; for Elizabeth Ross, twenty dollars;
in Baltimore county, for Peter Long, thirty dollars; in Talbot
county, for Robert Framton;, thirty dollars; in Frederick
county, for James Tompson, twenty dollars, and for Mary
Wells twenty dollars; payable to themselves, or their orders
respectively, or such person or persons as the said levy courts
shall direct.
An act to secure Henry Hindeman of Queen Annas' County an
annuity in the real estate therein mentioned.
Passed March 8,
WHEREAS it is represented to this General Assembly, by
the petition of Henry Hindeman, that his uncle the late Mr.
William Hindeman, of Talbot county, deceased, in his life
time duly made and executed his last will and testament, and
therein devised to him all his real estate, Situated, lying and
being in Talbot county aforesaid, chargeable with legacies to
Jacob Hindeman, William Hindeman and Elizabeth Barney,
the brothers and sisters of the said Henry Hindeman, and in
the year eighteen hundred and twenty-six, the said Jacob