reassess the real and personal property of said county, agreea-
bly to the provisions of an act passed at November session
eighteen hundred and twelve, entitled, An act for the valuation
of real and personal property in the several counties of this
state; and the said commissioners are hereby authorised and
empowered to carry into full effect and operation, within the
said county, all the provisions of the aforesaid act of eighteen
hundred and twelve.
CHAP, 27
An Act respecting the Town of Clear Spring, in Washington County.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly by the
petition of Martin Myers, of Washington county, that in the
month of February of March in the year one thousand eight
hundred and twenty-one, the said Martin Myers caused to be
surveyed and laid off, a town called Clear Spring, in the county
aforesaid, and has since sold and given deeds for many lots in
the said town, in which deeds the lots are described by the num-
bers by which they are respectively designated on the general
plan or plat of the said town: And whereas the said general
plan or plat of the said town of Clear Spring, was not recorded
ill the land records off the county aforesaid, until the twentieth
day of December in the year eighteen hundred and twenty-
five, after many of the aforesaid deeds has been given and re-
corded, by reason whereof the validity of such deeds is consi-
dered doubtful; Therefore,
Passed Jan. 23, 1827
1. Se it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all the deeds which have been executed by the said Mar-
tin Myers, to any person or persons, purporting to convey any
lot or lots, parcel or parcels of ground, in the said town of Clear
Spring, shall be and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed,
and shall have in all respects the same effect, validity and power, as
they would have had, if the said general plan or plat of the said
town of Clear Spring, had been duly Recorded in the land records
of Washington county, on or at any time previous to the first day
of February in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and twen-
Deed executed by
Martin Myers ra-
tified and confirm-
ty-one; Provided, that nothing in this act contained Shall be
construed to take away, or in any manner impair, any lien or
other right of, in or unto, any property in the said deeds menti-
oned, which may have accrued, or been acquired by any person
or persons, since the date of such deeds respectively, and before
the passage of this act
An Act to enlarge the powers of the Trustees of the Poor in Montgomery
County, and for other purposes.
Passed Jan 23, 1827
WHEREAS it sometimes happens that persons labouring under
bodily infirmities, or other afflictions, in consequence of their
being destitute of friends or connexions, may be reduced to
the necessity of going to the county poor's-house, whilst they
may, notwithstanding, have some remnant of property left, or
some debts due to them: And whereas it is just and right if the
county takes such persons upon their bounty for support that
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