CHAP. 24.
Contact already
made to be adopt-
the building of said bridge, as they in their discretion may
think necessary and expedient.
3. And be it further enacted. That the said levy court
shall adopt the contract already made and concluded by Jacob
Cronise, in his individual capacity, for the construction of said
bridge, unless the same shall be deemed, all circumstances
considered, disadvantageous in its terms, or in anywise unfair,
Passed Jan. 20, 1127
An Act to nuke valid a Deed from John Miles to John Coulburn, late of So-
merset County, deceased.
Deed made valid.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the deed of conveyance made by John Miles, a former
constable of Little Annamessex Hundred in Somerset county, to
John Coulburn, of Somerset county, and bearing date the thirti-
eth day of August, eighteen hundred and sixteen, executed and
acknowledged before William A. Schoolfield and William Roach,
two justices of the peace for Somerset county, shall have the
same force, operation and effect, as it would have had if the
lands therein mentioned, and thereby bargained and sold, or in-
tended so to be, had been situated in Little Annamessex Hundred,
within the hundred and jurisdiction of the said John Miles, the
party grantor therein named, and the sale of said land is hereby
made as valid as it would have been if the said land had been
so situated; saving nevertheless to all persons whatever any
rights by them acquired to said property, and leaving in full
operation and validity any claim that might be now binding up-
on, or considered as affecting said property,
Passed Jan 23, 1827
An Additional Supplement to the Act for the relief of the Poor in Dorches-
ter and Somerset Counties.
Trustees of poor
of Somerset coun-
ty to appoint an
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the trustees of the
poor of Somerset county shall, at their annual meeting in No-
vember, appoint an overseer of the poor of said county, accord-
ing to the provisions of the original to which this is a sup-
plement, who shall enter on the discharge of his duties on the
first day of January ensuing.
Section repealed.
2. And be it enacted. That so much of the eighth section of
the act of assembly, passed at December session eighteen hun-
dred and twenty-two, chapter fifty-two, which directs the said
trustees to elect an overseer in the month of May, be and the
same is hereby repealed.
Passed Jan. 23, 1827
An Act for the revaluation of the Real and Personal Property in Washing-
ton County.
Property to be re-
vised and reas-
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of the tax for Washington county be,
and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to meet at Ha-
ger's-town, in said county, on the second Monday in October in
the year eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, or as soon there-
after as practicable, and then and there proceed to revalue and