bonds is paid; paid bonds to be sold at public
auction at such times and in such amounts as
shall be required of the Mayor and Council
by the Board of Street Commissioners; pro-
vided, the whole amount of said bonds issued
shall not exceed ten thousand dollars, as afore-
said; said bonds shall not be liable to county
or municipal taxation.
SEC. 143 P. And to provide for the payment
of said bonds as authorized by section one
hundred and forty-three N of this act as they
vshall mature, and for the payment of the an-
nual interest thereon, there shall be levied by
the Mayor and Council annually for two
years, an amount sufficient to pay the interest
on said bonds so issued; and at the expiration
of two years there shall be levied annually by
Levy for In-
the Mayor and Council an amount sufficient to
pay the interest on the debt and one thousand
dollars of the principal thereof, and the Mayor
and Council shall thereafter pay annually one
thousand dollars of the principal of said debt;
and the said bonds when issued shall be made
to fall due so as to be payable as herein pro-
SEC. 143 Q. Said bonds as authorized to be
issued by this act when signed by the Mayor
and attested by the Clerk, as directed in - sec-
tion one hundred and forty-three O of this
act shall be handed over to the Tax Collector,
who shall receipt for the same, which receipt
shall be filed and safely kept by the Clerk to
the Mayor and Council, and the bond of the
Tax Collector shall be responsible for the safe-
keeping by the Tax Collector of said bonds
Bonds, where
and the proceeds thereof, the Tax Collector
shall sell said bonds at public auction, at
such times and in such amounts as the
Mayor and Council shall order; he shall
transfer and deliver the same as sold to
the purchaser or purchasers, and receive
the money therefor, and shall report under
oath to the Mayor and Council his pro-
ceedings in the premises, with the names