of the persons to whom said bonds have
been transferred, together with the amounts
received by him from said sales; said money
shall be credited on the books of the Tax
Collector to the Drainage Fund, and paid
out by him for the purposes named in sec-
tion one hundred and forty-three N of this
act for which it was received and in manner
as, provided, however, that at a special elec-
tion to be held in Hagerstown, which the
Mayor and Council of said town are hereby au-
thorized and directed to hold on the first Mon-
day of May, eighteen hundred and eighty-six,
the creation of the loan of ten thousand dol-
lars provided for in section one hundred and
forty-three N, shall be submitted to the quali-
fied voters of said town, and all ballots in favor
of the said loan shall have written or printed on
them the words " For the Drainage Fund/' and
Receive money.
&11 ballots against the said loan shall have
written of printed thereon the words "Against
the Drainage Fund ;" if a majority of the votes
so cast shall be " For the Drainage Fund "
then sections 143 N, 143 O, 143 P, 143 Q, and
143 E, of this act shall be in effect, and if a
majority of the votes so cast shall be against
the " Drainage Fund " the said sections shall
be null and void.
SEC. 143 R. The Mayor and Council shall
cause to be kept a careful register of the bonds
so issued and the transfers thereof, and as the
same are called in and paid off they shall be
Special elec-
cancelled and a record of such cancellation, by
numbers, amounts and names of last holders
of said bonds shall be made and entered upon
the books in which said bonds are registered.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1886.