amount thirty cents on every one hundred
dollars worth of assessable property, for gen-
eral purposes, and such further sum or sums
that are now or may hereafter be authorized
by law for the liquidation of indebtedness ;
provided, that not less than ten cents of the
sum so levied for general purposes be appropri-
ated to condemning, laying out, making, clean-
ing, altering, changing, repairing of streets,
alleys and drainage; the said levy shall not
be made in gross, but shall designate the par-
ticular heads for which it is to be expended ;
such taxes, when levied, shall be a lien upon
property, as now provided by law, and shall
be collected as State and county taxes are col-
lected, unless the Mayor and Council shall
adopt some other mode by ordinance for the
collection of the same.
SEC. 143 N. The Mayor and Council of Hag-
erstown are hereby authorized and empowered
to borrow a sum of money, not exceeding ten
thousand dollars, on the faith and credit of
the town, as hereinafter provided, which shall
be known and designated as the drainage
Levy for
general pur-
fund, and which shall be applied and used
exclusively for the construction of sufficient
drains and the improvement of the drainage
and water-courses of the town; and warrants
for the expenditure of the same shall be
drawn by the Board of Street Commissioners
as provided in section one hundred and twen-
ty-four of said original act.
SEC. 143 O. To provide for borrowing the
money as authorized by section 143 N of this
act, the Mayor and Council are hereby em-
powered to issue bonds in such denominations
as they may determine; said bonds to be signed
by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk to the
Mayor and Council, with the seal of the town
attached, and registered in a book to be kept
by the said Clerk, and to bear interest at the
rate of four per centum per annum, payable
on the first days of January and July, in each
and every year, until the principal of said
Issue bonds.