AN ACT to authorize the "Delaware and Chesa-
peake Railway" to locate, construct and
operate a branch railroad from a point on
its present line, at or near Greensborough, to
some eligible point on Tangier Sound, or on
any of the waters tributary thereto.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the "Delaware and
Chesapeake Railway" (the corporation which
has succeeded to, and is now possessed of, all
the rights, powers and franchises which were
conferred upon and vested in the "Maryland
and Delaware Railroad Company") shall be
and it is hereby expressly authorized and em-
powered to locate, construct, maintain and
operate a branch railroad of one or more tracks,
commencing at a point on its present line of
railroad at or near Greensborough, and extend-
ing thence in a southerly direction and pass-
ing through or near Federalsburg to some
eligible point either on Tangier Sound or on
any of the waters tributary thereto, and for
that purpose to enter upon any land necessary
for locating, laying out or constructing the
same, or any part thereof, or to procure land,
gravel, earth, wood or timber necessary for
the construction, maintenance and repair of
the same, and to acquire right and title thereto,
either by agreement with the owners thereof,
or by condemnation, as provided in section
one hundred and seventy-four, one hundred
and seventy-five, one hundred and seventy-six,
one hundred and seventy-seven and one hun-
dred and seventy-eight of article forty of the
"Code," entitled "Corporations," which said
section shall apply to the branch hereby au-
Branch rail-
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That if in the
construction of the railroad authorized by this
act, any navigable stream shall be crossed
Crossing navi-
gable streams.