due and redeemable in twenty years from the
date of their issue; class C shall be due and
redeemable after fifteen years; class B shall
be due and redeemable after ten years; class
A shall be due and redeemable after five years;
the said Commissioners shall pay the interest
as aforesaid on said bonds out of the annual
taxes levied for corporate purposes, and shall
likewise annually set apart therefrom the sum
of two hundred dollars, to be invested in a
sinking fund to liquidate said bonded loan at
maturity; and they shall invest said sum
authorized to be set apart as a sinking fund
annually, in the manner provided in section
seventy-two of the amended charter of said
town, to which this act is a supplement, and
shall be subject likewise to the penalties men-
tioned in said section seventy-two; the money
arising from the sale of said bonds shall be
expended as follows: so much as may be neces-
sary for the purchase of suitable hook and lad-
der-truck for the use of the fire department of
said town, and for increasing the water supply
in said town, either by subscription to the
capital stock of some water company hereafter
to be organized, or for sinking artesian or sur-
face wells or tanks, and the necessary ma-
chinery for elevating the water, or for the
purchase of additional fire apparatus, at the
discretion and to the best judgment of the
Commissioners hereafter named in this act.
And be it enacted, That the Mayor of Cam-
bridge, the President of the Rescue Fire
Company and a Commissioner of Cambridge,
selected and designated by a majority of the
said Commissioners of Cambridge, shall act
How ex -
as a Board of Commissioners, without pay, to
contract for said work, superintend the con-
struction thereof, and purchase suitable hook
and ladder-truck or such other apparatus as
in their judgment may be deemed best for the
interest of said town.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1886.