AN ACT to amend the Code of Public Local
Laws, title "Dorchester County," sub-title
"Cambridge," as amended and re-enacted by
chapter two hundred and sixteen of the acts
passed at the January session, eighteen hun-
dred and eighty-two, and amended and re-
enacted by chapter one hundred and twenty
of the acts passed at the January session,
eighteen hundred and eighty-four, by add-
ing an additional section, to be designated as
seventy-three, authorizing the Commission-
ers of Cambridge to make a bonded loan of
four thousand dollars.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the following sec-
tion be and the same is hereby added to the
corporate laws of the town of Cambridge, as
Add section.
amended and re-enacted by chapter one hun-
dred and twenty of the acts passed at the Janu-
ary session, eighteen hundred and eighty-four,
being an act to amend the Code of Public Lo-
cal Laws, title "Dorchester County," sub-title
"Cambridge/' and all acts amendatory thereto,
and to enact the following section in lieu
thereof, the section hereby ordered to be desig-
nated as section seventy-three.
SEC. 73. And be it enacted, That the said Town
Commissioners be and they are hereby author-
ized and directed to issue bonds not to exceed
in amount four thousand dollars, upon the faith
of the property of the said town, of such form
Issue bonds.
and denomination as the said Town Commis-
sioners may prescribe, being interest at a rate
not to exceed six per cent, per annum, payable
semi-annually on the first days of January and
July, in each year, and shall be exempt from
county and municipal taxation; said bonds
shall be divided in four classes — A, B, C, D —
of equal respective amounts; class D shall be