AN ACT to refund to Levin S. McNamara,
John W. S. Dean and John W. Dean, a cer-
tain part of the money paid by them to the
Comptroller in the year eighteen hundred
and eighty-four, for oyster license.
WHEREAS Levin S. McNamara, on the nine-
teenth of February, eighteen hundred and
eighty-four, paid to J. Frank Turner, the Comp-
troller, the sum of one hundred and twenty-
eight dollars and eighty-eight cents, for a
license for his schooner the "Aerial," to dredge
for oysters in Chesapeake and Eastern bays,
with a pledge from this State that the li-
cense should hold good for one year from
date, and John W. S. Dean and John W.
Dean paid the Comptroller the sum of
eighty-six dollars and sixty-two cents for
a similar license to dredge for oysters in
the schooner named "John W. Dean,'' under
similar conditions and pledges, but in a short
time after issuing of the license, to wit, in the
January session of the General Assembly of
said year eighteen hundred and eighty-four,
by the passage of the general oyster act, chap-
ter five hundred and eighteen, section three,
all licenses previously issued were rendered
null and void after April the first, of said
year; and
WHEREAS the State received a double tax for
several months by compelling the said Levin
S. McNamara, John W. S. Dean and John W.
Dean to take out new licenses at the beginning
of the next oyster season for their respective
boats, to catch oysters in said waters with
scoops or dredges, and it is but reasonable and
just that a sum of money equal to the amount
paid for these licenses during the months they
were not allowed to catch or take oysters
under said licenses, should be returned to these
individual vessel owners; therefore,