as aforesaid, and examination into all the
circumstances, shall think for the interest and
advantage both of such infant, idiot or person
non compos mentis, and of the other person or
persons interested therein to be confirmed, the
Court may confirm such contract, and order a
deed to be executed according to the contract,
and all sales and deeds made in pursuance of
and agreeably to an order of the Court in the
exercise of the above power, shall be good and
sufficient in law to transfer the estate and in-
terest of such infant, idiot or person non
compos mentis, in such lands, tenements or
hereditaments, according to the true intent
and meaning of such deeds, respectively, and
in all cases of deeds executed in the exercise
of the above power, the same shall be ex-
ecuted and acknowledged by such person or
persons as the Court may appoint for the pur-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1886.
AN ACT to authorize James T. Perkins, Trustee,
appointed by a decree of the Circuit Court
for Prince George's county, in Equity, to
complete the collection of uncollected State
and county taxes of Prince George's county,
to employ a Clerk for one year, and to au-
thorize the County Commissioners of said
county to levy the sum of five hundred dol-
lars to pay said Clerk.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That James T. Perkins,
Trustee, by virtue of an order of the Circuit
Court for Prince George's county, in Equity, to