AN ACT to repeal section ninety-nine of Art-
icle sixteen of the Code of Public General
Laws, relating to partition of lands or tene-
ments held by joint tenants, tenants in com-
mon, coparceners or concurrent owners, and
to re-enact the same with amendments :
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That section ninety-nine
of article sixteen of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws, be and the same is hereby repealed
and re-enacted so as to read as follows :
99. The Court may decree a partition of any
lands, tenements or hereditaments, or any
right, interest or estate therein, either legal or
equitable, on the bill or partition of any joint
tenant, tenant in common, or any parcener or
any concurrent owner, whether claiming by de-
Repealed and
scent or by purchase; or if it appear that said
lands, tenements or hereditaments, or right,
interest or estate therein, cannot be divided
without loss or injury to the parties interested,
the Court may decree a sale thereof, and a
division of the money arising from such sale,
among the parties according to their respec-
tive rights; this section to apply to cases
where all the parties are of full age, and to
cases where all the parties are infants, and to
cases where some of the parties are of full
age and some infants, and to cases where some
or all of the parties are non compos mentis ;
and also, to apply to cases where any or all of
the parties are non-residents, and any party,
whether of full age, infant or non compos
mentis, may file a bill under this section; an
infant, by his guardian or prochein ami, and a
non compos by his committee; and if any
contract hath been made for the sale of any
lands, tenements or hereditaments held as
aforesaid, or of any interest therein, for or
on behalf of any infant, idiot or person non
compos mentis, which the Court upon hearing