Laws of Maryland, be and the same is hereby
repealed and re-enacted, so as to read as fol-
lows :
45. When the real estate or leasehold prop-
erty of an infant, or in which an infant is in-
terested, has been, or may hereafter be, sold
upon the application of his or her guardian,
prochein ami, or by virtue of or under a de-
cree of Court, in a case to which such infant
is a party, or by virtue of a power contained
in a mortgage upon such real estate or lease-
hold property, the money arising from such
sale to which such infant shall be entitled,
shall be invested as the Court decreeing or
ratifying such sale shall direct, in the name
of Such infant; provided, such sum shall ex-
ceed the sum of five hundred dollars, and the
surplus interest, after deducting what may be
necessary for the maintenance and education
of such infant, shall also be invested as afore-
said, and such investments shall not be trans-
ferred except by the order of the Court de-
creeing or ratifying such sale, and any transfer
without such order, shall be void; in all cases
mentioned above, when the amount to which
such infant is entitled, shall not exceed the
Order of Court.
sum of five hundred dollars, the Court decree-
ing or ratifying such sale, may, upon the appli-
cation of the person making such sale, or upon
the petition of the guardian of such infant,
order and direct the money to be paid to the
guardian of such infant, upon the filing in said
case of a certificate from the Register of Wills
of the county or city in which letters of guard-
ianship have been granted, that the guardian
of such infant has filed in the Orphans' Court
of the county or city granting letters of guard-
ianship, a bond, in an amount and with secu-
rity, sufficient to protect such infant in the
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this
act shall take effect from the date of its pas-
Approved April 7, 1886.