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Session Laws, 1886 Session
Volume 425, Page 341   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the Mayor
and Common Council of said town may, when-
ever they think it necessary, from time to
time, cause a new assessment of the real and
personal property within the limits of the
town, and they, for that purpose, shall appoint
two of the qualified voters of the town, being
freeholders therein, to make such assess-


ments, who, before proceeding in the execu-
tion of their duties, shall make oath before a
Justice of the Peace that they will diligently
and faithfully, without fear or favor, partiality
or prejudice, assess all the taxable property
within the limits of said town, taking as the
basis of said assessment the market value of
said property, according to the best of their
skill and judgment; and the Assessors shall re-
turn to the said Mayor and Common Council
a fair copy of their assessment in a well-bound
book, written one month after their appoint-
ment, and shall receive such compensation for
their services as the said Mayor and Common
Council may allow; and the said Mayor and
Common Council shall have power to alter
and amend said assessments whenever they
think justice requires.

SEC. 16 And be it enacted. That the said
Mayor and Common Council shall annually
elect a Treasurer of the Corporation, who may
be one of their number, and who shall keep

New assess-

an accurate account of the receipts and dis-
bursements of the funds of the corporation in
a well-bound book, and shall render annually
to said Mayor and Common Council a detailed
and full statement thereof, which statement
shall be posted in some public place in said
town annually; but before the said Treasurer
shall act as such, he shall give bond to the
State of Maryland in such penalty as the said


Mayor and Common Council may prescribe,
with sureties to be approved by them, condi-
tioned that he will well and faithfully account
for all moneys received by him from the Col-
lector of said corporation, or any other person,

Give bond.

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Session Laws, 1886 Session
Volume 425, Page 341   View pdf image (33K)
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