SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the Mayor
and Common Council may cause each male
inhabitant of said town of twenty-one years
of age and upwards, to work in the streets,
lanes and alleys of said town, under the super-
vision of the Bailiff, one day in each year ;
and if any person as aforesaid, after having
been summoned in writing one day previous
Work on
to the day appointed by the Bailiff for work-
ing the streets, lanes or alleys, shall fail to
appear or provide some person in his stead,
the said person shall, on conviction before a
Justice of the Peace, be fined one dollar and
costs, and in case of failure or refusal to pay
the same, the party so found shall be com-
mitted for a period not exceeding two days
to the public Jail of Garrett cqunty or town
lockup; and the Bailiff shall receive for his
services under this section not exceeding one
dollar per day that he is actually engaged in
working on said streets, lanes and alleys.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and
Common Council may annually levy a tax for
the expenses of the corporation upon the taxable
property within the town limits, real and per-
sonal, except public and private securities and
book accounts and such properties as may be
occupied by Churches and Public Schools, and
the same shall be collected by a Collector ap-
pointed by the saiu Mayor and Common Coun-
cil for the purpose, whose compensation for col-
lecting said taxes shall not exceed five per
cen tum,'and who shall give bond in such amount
as they shall prescribe and hold his office dur-
ing their pleasure; and the said Collector, in col-
lecting the said taxes, shall have full power to
distrain for the same, in the same manner as
the Collectors of State 'and county taxes do,
but said tax shall not exceed ten cents on the
one hundred dollars in any one year.
Basis of tax-
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the basis of
taxation, until a new assessment shall be made
as hereinafter provided for, shall be the asses-
ment now made and existing.