for the use of said town; and will also well
and truly pay over to the said Mayor and
Common Council, or their order, all sums of
money so received by him, and deliver over
the books and papers of his office whenever
required so to do by said the Mayor and Com-
mon Council, and the said bond shall be re-
corded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit
Court for Garrett county; and the said Mayor
and Common Council shall allow their Treas-
urer such compensation, as they may deem
reasonable and just.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That the said
Mayor and Common Council shall annually
appoint a Bailiff of said town, and prescribe
his duties, and for compensation for his ser-
vices as Bailiff, they shall allow him all or
part of the fines and forfeitures received for
the violation of the town ordinances, and no
more; the said Bailiff shall enforce the ordi-
nances of said town, and in the execution of
the duties of his office, shall have all and the
same powers as Constables in criminal cases ;
the said Bailiff, upon entering upon the duties
of his office, shall make oath before the Mayor
that he will faithfully and impartially exe-
cute the duties of his office according to the
best of his skill and judgment, without favor
or prejudice, and shall give bond to the State
of Maryland in such penalty as the said Mayor
and Common Council may direct, and with sure-
ties to be by them approved, for the faithful
performance of his duties as Bailiff, and the
said bond shall be recorded in the office of the
Clerk of the Circuit Court for Garrett county.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That the said
Mayor and Common Council may purchase a
suitable piece of land, and cause to be erected
thereon a strong room or lockup for the deten-
tion of violators of the ordinances of said