AN ACT to authorize the County Commis-
sioners of Wicomico county to issue bonds
and borrow money to pay the indebtedness
of Wicomico county to Somerset county.
WHEREAS Wicomico county is indebted unto
Somerset county on account of the bonds issued
by Somerset county under the authority of
chapter eleven of the acts of eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-six, authorizing the issue of
bonds to aid in the construction of the East-
ern Shore Railroad, a proportionate part of the
indebtedness on account of said bonds having
been set apart as due from Wicomico county
to Somerset county, soon after the erection of
Wicomico county, amounting to some twenty
thousand dollars; and
WHEREAS said bonds fall due in eighteen
hundred and eighty-six and the County Com-
missioners are not prepared to meet said in-
debtedness; now, therefore,
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the County Com-
missioners of Wicomico county be and they
are hereby authorized and empowered to issue
bonds to the amount of ten thousand dollars
in the sum of five hundred dollars each, to be
signed by the President of the Board of County
Commissioners, and to be countersigned by
the Clerk of said Board; the said bonds to
bear interest at a rate not more than six per
cent, per annum; said interest to be paid semi-
annually at the Salisbury National Bank, ac-
cording to the tenor of the coupons for said
interest to be attached to each bond; and the
said coupons as they come due and payable
shall be received by the Collectors of taxes for
said county in payment of county taxes, and
that said bonds shall be exempt from county
and municipal taxation.
County bonds.