SEC. 116. The Inspector of the warehouse
in which the tobacco was originally inspected
shall pay the amount of any award made in
writing and under seal by any committee of ar-
bitration duly constituted as hereinbefore pro-
vided, to the party or parties thereto entitled
within thirty days after the date thereof, and
shall take the receipt of the claimant or his
agent for the same, which said receipt together
with said award, signed and sealed by said com-
mittee of arbitration, or a majority of them,
shall be returned by said Inspector to the
Comptroller of the Treasury in said Inspector's
next thereafter ensuing report, and shall be a
voucher for money expended.
SEC. 30 A. The name of the owner or owners .
of every hogshead of tobacco delivered for
inspection at any State Warehouse in the city
of Baltimore, shall be legibly marked or sten-
ciled thereon, and it shall be the duty of the-
Inspector to retain for inspection every hogs-
head of tobacco not so marked or stenciled
until the name of the owner or owners there-
of shall have been ascertained and placed
SEC. 30 B. It shall be the duty of the several
Inspectors of Tobacco to carefully return all
bundles of tobacco, other than samples which
may be drawn in sampling, and all bundles
which may be displaced in uncasing tobacco
Care to be used.
to the hogshead from which the same were
drawn or displaced; and any Inspector of To-
bacco who shall knowingly violate the pro-
visions of this section shall be deemed guilty
of misconduct in office, and shall be liable to
removal therefrom.
SEC. 3. Be it enacted, &c., That all acts or
parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions
of this act, be and they are hereby repealed.
SEC. 4. Be it enacted, &c., That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 24, 1886.