the act passed at the January session, eigh-
teen hundred and sixty-eight, of the General
Assembly of Maryland, chapter twenty-nine,
entitled "An act to incorporate the Atlantic
Hotel Company of Berlin, Worcester county,"
be and the name is hereby repealed, amended
and re-enacted to read as follows :
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the stock-
holders of said company shall meet annually
on the first Monday of August, at such time
and place as the by-laws and regulations of
the said company may appoint, whereof pub-
lic notice of at least ten days shall be given,
and a majority of the members who shall at-
tend the said meeting either in person or by
Repeal and
proxy shall elect by ballot from among the
stockholders, seven persons to serve as directors
for twelve months and until others shall be duly
elected to succeed them, the said directors,
after they have been duly sworn, to adminis-
ter the affairs of the company according to
law, and to the best of their skill and judg-
ment, shall elect one of their members to
serve as president for twelve months, and one
person to serve as secretary and treasurer for
the same period, the said president and direc-
tors shall have the management of the affairs
of the company for twelve months, and until
their successors shall be chosen, and in all
meetings of stockholders every stockholder
shall be entitled to give in person or by proxy
one vote for each share of capital stock stand-
ing in his, her or their names on the books of
said corporation, and in case it shall happen
at any time that an election of officers shall
not be made on the day when, in pursuance of
the act, an election ought to have been made,
it shall be lawful on any other day thereafter
when a notice of ten days shall be given in
such manner as may be directed by the by-
laws of said Atlantic Hotel Company.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 25, 1886.