properties or franchises of either or both of them,
shall not be exercised or enforced so long as the four
and one-half per centum interest provided by the first
section of this act to be paid to the State of Maryland
from and after the first day of January, in the year
eighteen hundred and eighty-four, upon the indebted-
ness of the said Susquehanna and" Tide Water Canal
Companies to the said state, and which is secured by
said mortgages accruing and to accrue after the first
day of January, eighteen hundred and eight-four, shall
be paid to the amount in the manner and at the times
limited in the first section of this act; and it is also
expressly provided that the principal amount of said
indebtedness secured by said mortgages shall be paid
within twenty-five years from the date of the passage
when payable.
of this act, and that any payment may be made at
any time on account of said mortgage indebtedness,
provided that any such payments so made shall not be
for a less sum than ten thousand dollars.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the debenture
guarantee scrip of the Philadelphia and Reading Rail-
road Company, now held by the State of Maryland as
a collateral, shall be returned to the said Philadelphia
and Reading Railroad Company, when it has paid
into the treasury of this state the arrears of interest
Return deben-
due to the state to the first day of January, eighteen
ture scrip.
hundred and eighty-four, mentioned in the second
section of this act, and when it has made deposit of
one million of dollars of its second series five per cent.
consolidated mortgage bonds as collateral security in
the manner and for the purposes mentioned in and
required by the second section of this act.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from and after the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1884.