Canal Company, and under the mortgages executed to
the said state under the provisions of said respective
acts, shall be reduced, accounting from and after the
first day of January in the year eighteen hundred
and eighty-four, to four and one-half per centum
per annum, payable on the first day of July and Jan-
uary in each and every year.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the provisions of
the preceding section shall not take effect unless the
How effective.
Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, the
lessee of the said Susquehanna canal, shall pay into
the treasury of this state, within thirty days after the
approval of this act, the arrears of interest due to the
State of Maryland to the first day of January, in the
year eighteen hundred and eighty-four, by the Susque-
hanna and Tide Water Canal Companies, under the
obligations and mortgages in the last preceding sec-
tion of this act mentioned; nor unless the said Phila-
delphia and Reading Railroad Company shall also,
within said thirty days, deposit with the Pennsylvania
Company, for insurance on lives and granting annui-
Deposit one
million dollars.
ties, one million of dollars of its second series tive per
cent, consolidated mortgage bonds, as collateral secur-
ity for the payment henceforth semi-annually, as the
same shall accrue, at four and one-half per centum in-
terest, as the same shall accrue and become payable
under the provisions of this act, upon the indebted-
ness of the Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal Com-
panies, referred to in the first section of this act.
SEC. 3. And le it enacted, That the mortgages
heretofore made by the Susquehanna and Tide Water
Canal Companies to the State of Maryland, in pur-
suance of the provisions of the act of December ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, chapter four
hundred and sixteen, and in pursuance of the provi-
sions of the act of December session, eighteen hundred
Mortgages ex-
and forty-three, chapter three hundred and sixty-three,
pressly reserv-
and each of said mortgages, and all the remedies re-
served to the State of Maryland under each of said
mortgages against the said Susquehanna and Tide
Water Canal Companies, or either of them, or against
the properties or franchises of either of said compa-
nies, or both of them, are hereby expressly reserved ;
but it is also expressly provided that the said remedies
of the state against the said Susquehanna and Tide
Water Canal Companies, or either of them, or the