Chapter 96.
AN ACT for the relief of the Cambridge Manufac-
turing Company of Cambridge, Maryland, and to
enable it to construct certain improvements in the
inner harbor of said town.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Cambridge Manufacturing
Company of Cambridge, Maryland, a corporation duly
incorporated under the laws of this state, be and the
same is hereby authorized and empowered to con-
struct and project in the waters of the inner harbor of
Cambridge creek, without the harbor line, as estab-
lished under the provisions of chapter seventy of the
acts passed at January session in the year 1878, a
Establish bulk-
bulkhead wharf or pier connected with their present
head, wharf or
wharf in east Cambridge, in Dorchester county, as fol-
lows : Commencing and beginning at a point upon
their said wharf at a distance of ninety feet from the
angle of the wharf belonging to the Cambridge and
Seaford Railroad Company, and now occupied by the
Maryland Steamboat Company, from the projection of
the latter wharf into said creek, and its almost rectan-
gular extension therefrom to join the wharf of the said
manufacturing company, and from said point so ascer-
tained, extending a distance of seventy-five feet in a
northerly direction and in a straight line; thence in
an easterly direction and in a straight line perpendicu-
lar to the last line named, for the distance of twelve
feet; thence in a southeasterly direction and in a
straight line until its intersection with the aforesaid
wharf of the Cambridge Manufacturing Company, at
the distance of forty feet from the commencement or
beginning of the aforesaid seventy -five feet line or
projection into said creek; and thence forty feet
straight home to the said place of the beginning of said
Permit to build
pier or bulkhead, provided the commissioners of Cam-
?how granted.
bridge shall grant a permit for the building of the
same, and authority is hereby given to said commis-
sioners to act in the premises.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 20, 1884.