vided; and provided further, that any property owner, at
any time during the life of a connection assessment, may
extinguish the same by payment in cash of an amount,
which, if put at interest at 3 1/2 per cent.. compounded an-
nually, would yield an annuity equal to the annual con-
nection assessment for the period for which said assess-
ment has yet to run. Water and sewer connection assess-
ments shall have the same priority rights, be payable at
the same time and in the same manner, be enforceable in
the same way, and be subject to the same penalties for
non-payment as front foot assessments.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That all sums col-
lected by "The Commissioners of Vienna" for front foot
and connection assessments, levied against property for
water and sewer construction, as provided under Sections
6 and 9, shall be set aside as a separate fund and designated
as the "Current Interest and Redemption Fund Account, "
from which fund interest shall be paid on all outstanding
bonds, and the balance, if any, applied to the redemption
of said bonds, as provided under Section 4. "The Commis-
sioners of Vienna, " in order to determine the amount nec-
essary to be levied under Section 4, shall deduct the amount
to the credit of the said "Current Interest and Redemption
Fund Account" from the whole amount to be raised in any
one year for interest and redemption fund on outstanding
bonds, and the balance remaining to be raised shall be the
amount to be collected by taxation as provided under
Section 4.
SEC. 11. And be it further enacted, That for the pur-
pose of providing funds for maintaining, repairing and
operating their water supply system, including overhead
expenses and proper depreciation allowance, the said "The
Commissioners of Vienna" shall be empowered and directed
to make such flat or meter service rates as may be neces-
sary in their discretion, chargeable against all property
having a connection with any water main under their own-
ership. Said rates shall be uniform throughout the Town
but subject to change from time to time as necessary.
In the event of the use of meter rates, the rates for
service shall consist of a ready-to-serve charge based upon
the size of the meter on the water connection leading to
the property, and of a charge for water used, and shall be
based upon the amount of water passing through the meter
during the period between the last two readings, said
meter being required to be placed on each water connec-