shall be done under and pursuant to such rules, regulations
and requirements as "The Commissioners of Vienna, " may
from time to time formulate, not inconsistent, however, with
the requirements of the Plumbing Code of the State of
Maryland, and subject to such inspection as may be deemed
necessary. No connection of any kind shall be made with
any water or sewer main, constructed or maintained by
"The Commissioners of Vienna, " without a permit and
under such conditions as "The Commissioners of Vienna"
may authorize. The said "The Commissioners of Vienna"
shall have the right of entry at reasonable hours to all
buildings and premises having any connection with the
water supply or sewerage system under its jurisdiction,
and may order and require such changes in all water or
sewerage connections, or plumbing as they may deem nec-
essary to eliminate improper use of water or to correct
defective plumbing. No private water supply or sewerage
installation shall be constructed in the Town of Vienna
without the person, firm, or corporation doing the work
having first obtained a permit from "The Commissioners of
Vienna" and paid a reasonable charge therefor, and such
plants shall then be installed, maintained and operated
under such rules and regulations as "The Commissioners
of Vienna" may require. Any violation of any of the pro-
visions of this Section shall be a misdemeanor, punishable
under Section 16 of this Act.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose
of paying the interest on the bonds and for the redemp-
tion of said bonds, as hereinbefore provided, covering the
cost of water supply and sewer connections, as provided
under Section 7, the said "The Commissioners of Vienna"
shall make such assessment for each of such connections
as they shall determine to be necessary. All of said assess-
ments for water and sewer connections shall be uniform
throughout the Town, subject, however, to revision an-
nually by "The Commissioners of Vienna" as costs and con-
ditions may require. Assessments for water and sewer
connections shall be payable annually for a period of years
co-extensive with the period of last maturity of the bonds,
out of the proceeds of which they are constructed; pro-
vided, however, that "The Commissioners of Vienna" shall
establish a fixed uniform charge for all water and sewer
connections, fully sufficient to cover their cost and change-
able annually, which any property owner may elect to pay
in one sum, at the time the connection is extended to his
property line by "The Commissioners of Vienna, " instead
of said annual payments for said connection as above pro-