tion by, and at the sole expense of, "The Commissioners
of Vienna. " Bills for the amount of the charges as above
specified shall be sent quarterly or semi-annually, as "The
Commissioners of Vienna" shall determine, to each prop-
erty served, and shall be thereupon payable at the office
of "The Commissioners of Vienna, " and if any bill shall
remain unpaid after thirty days from date of sending,
"The Commissioners of Vienna" shall, after written notice,
to be left upon the premises or mailed to the last known
address of the owner, turn off the water from the property
in question and it shall not be turned on again until said
bill shall have been paid, together with such turn-on charge
as "The Commissioners of Vienna" shall require. If any
bill shall remain unpaid for sixty days after being sent out
by "The Commissioners of Vienna, " it shall be collectible
against the owner of the property served in the same
manner as other public debts are collectible in the Town
of Vienna.
The said "The Commissioners of Vienna" may employ,
at such salary or wages as they may deem advisable, such
Superintendent engineers, workmen, laborers, legal aid, or
employees as may be necessary to carry on and maintain
the said water supply and sewerage systems, and supply
the said Town of Vienna and the inhabitants thereof with
water and proper sewage disposal, and shall have authority
to purchase materials and supplies necessary to operate
same, and to make repairs and additions as necessity may
require for fire protection and domestic use.
SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That "The Commis-
sioners of Vienna" may enter upon any State or County
highway for the purpose of installing, maintaining or oper-
ating their water and sewerage systems, and they may
construct in such highway a water or sewer main or any
appurtenance thereof without the receipt of a permit or
the payment of a charge; provided, that whenever any
State or County highway is to be disturbed the public au-
thority having control thereof shall be duly notified; and
provided further, that said highway shall be repaired and
left by "The Commissioners of Vienna" in the same or a
not inferior condition to that existing before being torn up,
and that all costs incident thereto shall be borne by "The
Commissioners of Vienna. "
SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That any employee
or agent of "The Commissioners of Vienna" shall have the
right of entry at all reasonable hours, upon any private