follows: Beginning for the same at a concrete monument
on a point known as Bembe's Point near the mouth of Back
Creek, said monument being co-ordinate station number
11254 of the Annapolis Metropolitan Sewerage District
and distant north 18642. 56 feet and east 30439. 20 feet
from the origin of co-ordinates located at Latitude north
38° 55' Longitude west 76° 35' and running from said point
of beginning with the outlines of the water sheds of Back
Creek and Spa Creek the following 75 courses and dis-
tances, to wit: south 41° 07' 50" east 441. 32 feet to a con-
crete monument number 11255; thence south 44° 03' 50"
east 274. 96 feet to a concrete monument number 11256,
thence south 20° 13' 40" east 286. 92 feet to a stake near the
highwater line of the Severn River; thence leaving the
Severn River and running south 50° 34' 50" west 217. 88
feet to a concrete monument number 11016, thence south
28° 19' 40" west 300. 00 feet to a concrete monument number
11017, thence south 75° 18' 50" west 305. 95 feet to a stake
near the west side of a private road, thence south 4° 25' 50"
east 476. 80 feet to a concrete monument number 11019,
thence south 26° Or 40" west 308. 70 feet to an iron spike
set in place of a bounded stone in the property line between
the Bembe Estate and the former property of William Ed-
ward Carr, thence south 15° 24' west 342. 16 feet, thence
south 14° 41' 40" east 344. 02 feet to a concrete monument
number 11022 near the West side of a 30 foot road, thence
south 41° 03' 40" west 334. 06 feet to a concrete monument
number 11023, thence south 52° 15' 10" west 342. 48 feet,
thence south 3° 28' 00" east 279. 37 feet, thence south 6°
09' 20" west 495. 77 feet to a concrete monument number
11026 near the south side of an existing private road,
thence south 67° 27' 40" west 698. 04 feet to a concrete
monument number 11027 near the west side of an existing
private road, thence south 87° 58' 30" west 287. 97 feet to
a concrete monument number 11028, thence south 38° 48'
20" west 249. 47 feet to a concrete monument number
11029 near the east side of an existing private road, thence
south 39° 19' 50" east 650. 26 feet to a concrete monument
number 11030, thence south 24° 25' 50" east 621. 27 feet to
a concrete monument number 11031, thence south 57° 57'
10" east 554. 39 feet, thence south 58° 57' west 1620. 80 feet
to a concrete monument number 11275, thence north 82°
00' west 777. 31 feet to a concrete monument number 11276
near the north side of the Old Bay Ridge Railroad Right of
Way, thence south 10° 48' 30" east 885. 30 feet to a concrete
monument number 11277, thence north 88° 59' 30" west
302. 36 feet to a concrete monument number 11278, thence