north 35° 01' 30" west 470. 09 feet to a concrete monument
number 11279, thence south 53° 05' 10" west 437. 00 feet to
a concrete monument number 11280 in the center line of
the county road leading from Eastport to Arundel-on-the-
Bay, thence north 56° 02' west 1084. 43 feet to a concrete
monument number 11281 also in the center line of the
county road leading to Arundel-on-the-Bay; thence north
38° 26' 50" west 342. 80 feet to a concrete monument num-
ber 11282 located near the junction of the aforementioned
road leading to Arundel-on-the-Bay with the Hilsmere
Road, thence running with the approximate center line of
the Hilsmere Road south 32° 46' west 642. 80 feet to a con-
crete monument number 11283, thence with the approxi-
mate center line of the Annapolis Neck Road north 30° 35'
40" west 273. 27 feet, thence north 50° 18' 10" west 136. 48
feet, thence north 71° 07' 20" west 348. 56 feet to a concrete
monument number 11286 set in the approximate center line
of the Annapolis Neck Road, thence leaving the aforemen-
tioned Annapolis Neck Road and running north 48° 59' 40"
west 192. 05 feet to a concrete monument number 11287,
thence north 38° 24' 40" west 225. 55 feet, thence north 11°
31' east 200. 18 feet to a concrete monument number 11289,
thence north 58° 04' west 278. 20 feet to a concrete monu-
ment number 11290, thence north 66° 23' 50" west 187. 75
feet, thence north 52° 42' 20" west 440. 45 feet to a con-
crete monument number 11033, thence north 18° 28' 30"
east 197. 57 feet to a concrete monument number 11034,
thence north 65° 16' 30" west 197. 10 feet, thence north 63°
59' 50" west 139. 44 feet to a concrete monument number
Il036, thence north 26° 01' west 182. 96 feet to a concrete
monument number 11037, thence south 67° 15' west 271. 86
feet, thence north 72° 51' 40" west 231. 13 feet to a concrete
monument number 11039 near Annapolis Neck Colored
School, thence north 28° 28' 10" west 1123. 60 feet to a con-
crete monument number 11040 set near the north side of
Tyler Street, thence north 52-10' 30" west 1184. 40 feet to
the approximate center line of an existing private road,
thence with the approximate center line of said road south
54° 53' west 600. 98 feet to a concrete monument number
11042 in the Annapolis Neck Road, thence with the ap-
proximate center line of, Annapolis Neck Road north 24°
40' 30" west 348. 50 -feet. to a; concrete monument number
11043 set in the approximate; center line of the aforemen-
tioned Annapolis Neck Road, thence forth 40° 19' 40" west
972. 20 feet to a concrete monument number 11044 in the
said Annapolis Neck Road, thence leaving said road sand
running north 27° 66' 10" west 758. 90 feet to an iron pipe