of such construction, said bonds to be upon the faith and
credit of Anne Arundel County and the City of Annap-
olis in respective proportions; the levy of taxes for the
payment of said bonds and for the operation, main-
tenance, regulation and control of said systems; to pro-
vide for making contractual agreements with the United
States Government; and to provide for further execution
of the duties of the Commission; also to define the
boundaries of said District and to provide for the guar-
anty and apportionment of its debt and the levy and col-
lection of its taxes between the City of Annapolis and
that portion of Anne Arundel County lying outside of
the City; and to confirm and validate such Act and all
acts and proceedings under such Act.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Chapter 104 of the Acts of the General As-
sembly of Maryland of 1931, entitled an Act to create the
Annapolis Metropolitan Sewerage District in Anne Arun-
del County, Maryland, to incorporate the same, and to
provide for the government thereof; to provide for the
design, construction, maintenance and operation of main
sewerage and drainage systems and sewage treatment
works; to provide for the issuance and amortization of
bonds for the purpose of such construction, said bonds to
be upon the faith and credit of Anne Arundel County and
the City of Annapolis in respective proportions; the levy
of taxes for the payment of said bonds and for the opera-
tion, maintenance, regulation and control of said systems;
to provide for making contractual agreements with the
United States Government; and to provide for further exe-
cution of the duties of the Commission, approved April 6,
1931, be and the said Chapter is hereby repealed and re-
enacted with amendments, so as to read as follows:
Section I. And be it further enacted, That all that part
of Anne Arundel County within the bounds comprising all
of the drainage areas of Back Creek, Spa Creek, Dorseys
Creek, and those parts of the drainage areas of Weems
Creek and the Severn River, in which are located the com-
munities of, Annapolis, Eastport, Germantown, West An-
napolis, Wardour, the U. S. Naval Academy and other fed-
eral properties, be and the same is hereby incorporated for
the purposes hereinafter set forth, to be known as the "An-
napolis Metropolitan Sewerage District, " which said Dis-
trict shall constitute a political subdivision of the State of
Maryland, and a body corporate, bounded and described as