Chapter 439.
AN ACT concerning corporate property and
franchises of the sale of certain railroad com-
panies and the organization of the purchaser or
purchasers into a corporation.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That whenever the material, rolling
stock or property and franchises of any railroad
corporation or corporations created by or existing
under the laws of this State, whose line or lines
of railroads is or are located wholly on the east-
side of the Chesapeake bay or Susquehanna river,
shall be sold and conveyed under or by virtue of
Sold and con-
any process or decree of any court of this State
or of the Circuit Court of the United States, or
under and by virtue of a power in any mortgage,
the person or persons for or ori whose account
such material, rolling stock, property and fran-
chises of any such railroad corporation or corpo-
rations may be purchased, shall be and they are
hereby constituted a body politic and corporate,
A body politic
and shall be vested with all the right, title, inter-
and corporate.
est, property, possession, claim and demand in
law and equity, of, in and to such material, rolling
stock, property or franchises of any such railroad
corporation or corporations, with the appurte-
nances, and with all the rights, powers, immuni-
ties, privileges and franchises of the railroad
corporation or corporations as whose the same
may have been sold, and which may have been
granted to or conferred thereupon by any act or
acts of assembly whatsoever in force at the time
of such sale and conveyance, and subject to all the