restrictions imposed upon said railroad corporation
or corporations by any such act or acts, except so
far as the same are modified hereby; and the per-
son or persons for or on whose account any such ma-
terial, rolling stock, property and franchises of
any such railroad corporation or corporations may
When to meet.
have been purchased, shall meet within thirty
days after the conveyance thereof shall be deliv-
ered, public notice of the time and place of such
meeting having been given at least once a week
for two weeks in at least one newspaper published
in the city or county in which such sale may have
been held, and organize said new corporation by
Elect presi-
electing a president and board of six directors
dent, &c.
(to continue in office until the first Monday of
May succeeding such meeting, when, and annually
thereafter on the said day, a like election for a
president and six directors shall be held to serve
Adopt corpo-
one year), and shall adopt a corporate name and
rate name.
common seal, determine the amount of the capital
stock thereof, not exceeding the amount author-
ized in the original charter, and shall have power
and authority to make and to issue certificates
therefor to the purchaser or purchases aforesaid,
to the amount of their respective interest therein,
in shares of fifty dollars each, and may then, or
at any time thereafter, create and issue preferred
stock to such an amount and on such terms as
they may deern necessary, and from time to time
Issue bonds.
issue bonds at a rate of interest not excending six
per centum per annum to any amount not exceed-
ing their capital stock, and to secure the same by
one or more mortgages upon the real and per-
sonal property and corporate rights and franchises,
or either or any part or parts thereof.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of such new corporation, within one calendar
Make oertifl-
month after its organization, to make a certificate
thereof, under its common seal, attested by the
signature of its president, specifying the date of
such organization, the name so adopted, the
amount of capital stock and the names of its
president and directors, and transmit the said cer-
tificate to the Secretary of State, to be filed in his
office and there remain of record, and a certified