stock, and in case any subscriber thereto shall fai i
or neglect to pay the amount by him, her or it
subscribed, the said company may maintain an
May maintain
action therefor and recover the amount thereof,
with interest, from the date of demand, or the
said president and directors may receive bonds
secured by mortgage on real estate in satisfaction
of said subscription, and sell and dispose said
bonds as they may see fit; and the said president
and directors shall annually, or oftener if they
deem it advisable, make a statement of the man-
Make state-
agement and condition of said company, showing
the receipts, disbursements and indebtedness, and
if they deem it advisable, make a dividend of any
surplus on hand after paying expenses.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved May 3, 1882.
Chapter 438.
AN ACT to amend article twenty-six of the Code
of Public General Laws, title " Corporations,"
by adding thereto the following sections to fol-
low section thirty-four, and to be designated an
section thirty-four (34) A and section thirty-
four (34) B.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the following sections be added
to article twenty-six (26) of the Code of Public-
General Laws, title " Corporations," to follow im-
mediately after section thirty-four (84), and to be
numbered section thirty-four A and thirty-four
B, viz.: Section thirty-four A, class twenty-two,
and develop-
for the acquiring, developing, improving, using..
working or otherwise utilizing or disposing of
any novelty, invention or process patented by the
United States; and for the sale, lease or other dis-
position of articles manufactured under such
patent; section thirty-four (34) B, class twenty-