by embanking, the provisions of law con-
tained in the said twenty-second article of the
Code, providing for draining of lowlands by
ditches, shall apply to drainage and reclamation
of lands by embankments or ditches, or by either
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the shares of
said company shall be taken and considered as
personal property, and the president and directors
shall provide the method of transferring said
Shares per-
stock and of furnishing evidence of the owner-
sonal property
ship thereof; and such in all general meetings of
said company may be represented and voted either
by the owner or owners thereof, or by proxy ap-
pointed in writing by such owner.
SEC. 11. Ami be it enacted, That said company
shall have power to build, buy, possess, use and
own as many horses, cattle, boats or vessels,
What to pos-
whether navigated by steam or otherwise, and
other species of property as may be necessary for
the use of said company in the exercise of its
chartered rights, and to charge or collect a rea-
sonable freight or compensation for the transpor-
tation of all merchandise or persons over its said
canal or improvements; and also a reasonable toll
for the use of said canal and improvements by the
boats and vessels of other parties, subject to such
regulations as the said company shall order and
direct. And the said company shall have power
to employ as much help and do all other things
Employ help.
necessary and proper to the full exercise and en-
joyment of the rights and privileges granted or
intended to be granted by this act.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That as soon as the
president and directors of said company shall be
elected, they shall have power to collect and re-
ceive of the subscription so made to the capital
How organized
stock, as shall be necessary to pay the expenses of
organizing said company, for making a survey and
estimate of the cost of the work to be done, print-
ing of maps, circulars, advertisements and other
preliminary work, and when the sum of ten
thousand dollars shall have been subscribed, the
said president and directors shall have power to
Collect and
collect and receive the full subscriptions to said