Chapter 315.
AN ACT to authorize conditional sales of Railroad
Equipments and Rolling Stock.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, In all cases where any railroad equip-
ment and rolling stock or other personal property
to be used in or about the operation of any railroad,
shall be sold to any person, firm or corporation, to
be paid for in whole or in parts by installments, or
shall be leased, rented, hired or delivered on condi-
tion that the same shall be used by the person, firm
or corporation purchasing, leasing, renting, hiring
or receiving the same, the title to the same to re-
Title to re-
main in the vendor, lessor, renter, hirer or deliverer
main in ven-
of the same until the agreed upon price of such
property shall have been paid, such condition in
regard to the title so remaining in the vendor,
lessor, renter, hirer or deliverer, notwithstanding
delivery to and possession by the other party, until
such payments are fully made, shall be valid for all
intents and purposes as to subsequent purchasers,
in good faith, and creditors; provided the term
during which the installments or rent are to be paid
shall not exceed ten years.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, Such contracts shall
Contracts in
be in writing and shall be acknowledged and re-
corded as deeds in the county in which the said
corporation has its principal office in this State.
SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 3, 1882.