Chapter 216.
AN ACT to repeal sections thirty-one to seventy-
three, inclusive, of the Public Local Code, title
"Dorchester County," sub-title " Cambridge," and
all acts amendatory thereto, and to re-enact the
following sections in lieu thereof:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That sections thirty -one to sev-
enty-three, inclusive, of the Public Local Code, title
"Dorchester County," sub-title " Cambridge," and
Repented and
all acts amendatory thereto, be and the same are
enacted in lieu
hereby repealed, and the following sections enacted
in lieu thereof:
31. The inhabitants of Cambridge, in Dorchester
county, are a body corporate by the name of " The
Commissioners of Cambridge," and as such shall
Body corpo-
have perpetual succession, and by that name may
sue and be sued, purchase and hold real, personal
and mixed property, or dispose of the same for the
benefit of said town, and may have and use a com-
mon seal, which they may alter and break at
32. The corporate limits of Cambridge shall be
and are hereby extended so as to be included within
the following metes and bounds, courses and dis-
tances, to wit: Beginning on the Choptank river,
in said county, at a point one hundred and fifty feet
distant northwesterly from the centre of " West End
avenue," as recently laid out by the "Building and
Loan Association of Cambridge, Dorchester county,"
and running in a parallel line with said avenue to
the south side of the county road, known as the
"Horns Point "road; then with the south side of
Metes and
said road to the present limits or line of the said
town; thence running and binding with said line
to the western boundary of said town; thence run-
ning and binding with the southern and eastern
lines or limits of said town to the foot of Cemetery
avenue; thence across the creek and in a parallel
line with Maryland avenue to the county road,
leading from the avenue last aforesaid to the "Jack-
town" road; thence with the lands of W. Wilson
Byrn, and binding therewith to the Choptank river,