bonds, with interest coupons attached or other-
wise, in sums of fifty dollars or any multiple
thereof, to be signed by the president of the said
county commissioners and countersigned by their
clerk, and impress thereon the seal of their office,
to be dated on the day of then issue, and bearing
interest, payable semi-annually on the first day of
April and October in each and every year; the
When payable
principal of said bonds to be payable within ten
years from the date thereof, and redeemable and
payable for the par value at anytime after the
expiration of two years from the date thereof, if
the said county commissioners shall so order.
SEC. 9. And be it farther enacted, That in nego-
tiating the sale of said bonds, the said county
commissioners shall first give not less than ten
Give notice
by advertise-
days notice, by advertisement, inviting proposals
in writing for the purchase of said bonds, to be
opened on a day certain; and the same shall be
disposed of to the highest bidder for cash, not
less than the par value thereof; but the said
county commissioners shall have the power to
Power to re-
refuse and reject any and all bids, and to re-offer
the same bonds, or any part thereof, cither as
above provided or otherwise provided; the said
bonds shall not be disposed of for less than their
par value.
SEC. 10. And be it farther enacted, That the bonds
Exempt from
hereby authorized shall be exempt from State,
county, municipal and all other taxation.
SEC. 11. And be it farther enacted, That the said
county commissioners shall in each and every year
lay upon the assessable property in Caroline county
such sum or sums of money as may be necessary
Pay interest.
to pay the interest as it may fall due on all the
said bonds by them issued and outstanding under
the provisions of this act, and also such further
and additional sum of money as may be required
to pay and redeem at least ten per centum on the
aggregate par value of all the bonds so issued,
whether redeemed or not; which said sums thus
levied shall be strictly applied to the payment of
said interest and to the redemption of said bonds,
and to no other debts of the county; and the
original bonds last issued (the numbers and dates