Chapter 202.
AN ACT to confirm and make valid the action of
the Commissioners of Talbot county, under and
in virtue of section four of the act of the General
Assembly of Maryland of eighteen hundred and
sixty-seven, chapter one hundred and ninety-one,
entitled "An act to authorize the County Com-
missioners of Talbot county to subscribe, in be-
half of said county, to the capital stock of the
Maryland and Delaware Railroad Company, and
to issue bonds for that purpose."
WHEREAS under and in virtue of the act of the
General Assembly of Maryland, entitled "An act to
authorize the Commissioners of Talbot county to
subscribe, in behalf of said county, to the capital
stock of the Maryland and Delaware Railroad Com-
pany, and to issue bonds for that purpose," did issue
bonds to the amount of fifty-five thousand dollars;
and, whereas the said commissioners, under the
provisions of the fourth section of the said act, did
levy on all the property subject to taxation for the
ordinary expenses of Talbot county, such sum of
money as in their discretion was necessary for the
prompt payment of the principal and interest of the
said bonds, and did invest the same in certain securi-
ties, consisting of mortgages and stocks of the Balti-
more and Ohio Railroad Company, as a sinking
fund for the redemption of the said bonds, and
whereas, doubts are entertained as to the power and
authority of the said commissioners to make said
investments, or to enforce payment of the said
mortgages when the same become due, or to assign
and transfer the said mortgages and stocks, and to
reinvest the proceeds thereof in other securities —
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the investments of the said
gum of money so made as aforesaid by the Commis-
Confirmed and
made valid.
sioners of Talbot county, be and the same are hereby
confirmed and made valid and lawful, and the said
commissioners are hereby authorized and empowered,
whenever in their judgment the public interests of