SEC 4. And be it enacted, That whenever any
owner of such property refuses or declines to act
Refuse or de-
under the preceiing section, or is unknown or in-
accessible to said commissioners, or incompetent to
contract, said commissioners may proceed as directed
in the preceding section, after giving public notice
of their intention, by advertisement in some news-
paper published in Kent county for three successive
weeks before commencing such opening, widening
or extension, except that the county commissioners
shall appoint one of the parties to estimate and
award said damages and advantages in the place of
the owner of the property, and from such award
appeals may be taken as provided for in the pre-
ceding section.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That if any such ex-
tension, opening or widening of any street be through
or over any cemetery or grave-yard, that before said
commissioners proceed to open, widen or extend
such street, they shall give notice by advertisement
Give notice by
in some newspaper printed in Kent county, once in
each of three successive weeks, warning all persons
interested in that portion of said grave-yard or
cemetery, through or over which said street is to
run, to remove the tombstones and remains of all
persons buried in that portion of said yard, and
upon the failure or refusal of the friends or relatives
of such deceased persons to remove them, the said
commissioners shall have said remains removed to
some suitable place, and to record a full account of
all such removals on their minutes of proceedings,
and after such removal, they shall proceed as men-
tioned in the preceding sections.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 30, 1882.