Make insur-
authority to make insurance of property against loss
or damage by fire; to provide for the keeping and
investment of any funds or assets that may become
the property of the company, and generally to trans-
act and perform all such business as may appertain
to Mutual Fire Insurance Companies not contrary
to this act or the constitution and laws of this State
or the United States.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the affairs of this
corporation shall be conducted by and under the
Board of di-
control of a board consisting of fifteen directors, to
be elected at the annual meetings of the members as
hereinafter directed, and to continue in office for one
year or until their successors are chosen; the said
directors shall have power to perform such duties as
are hereinafter specified and provided, or as may be
directed by the by-laws which the said corporation
may order for its future government not inconsistent
herewith; and the said directors shall elect a presi-
dent and vice president from their own body, and
shall likewise appoint a secretary and treasurer of the
corporation, in the same or different persons, and
Give bond with
whether a director or not, who shall give bond with
security, to be prescribed and approved by the di-
rectors, and also appraisers, surveyors and such other
agents as may be necessary for the proper manage-
ment of the affairs and business of said company.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That on the first Tues-
day in August next, and on the first Tuesday in
When to con-
said month in every year thereafter, the members of
the said company shall convene at their office, in the
town of Denton, for the purpose of electing the
aforesaid directors and the transaction of any other
business that may be found necessary, of which
meeting notice shall be given by the directors for at
least twenty days previous in one or more newspa-
papers published in said county; and until such first
election shall be held, Alexander Hardcastle, An-
drew B. Roe, George A. More, Richard C. Canter,
Gorter Stevens, Philip W. Downes, William H.
Dewese, William G. Horsey, John R. Fountain,
Henry S. Fisher, Robert J. Jump, Alfred J. Wilson,
Charles II. Todd, Robert M. Messick and Edward
R. Goslen shall be the directors of said corporation,
with the power to perform all the duties of the direc-
tors contemplated by this act; elections for directors